Major Advantages of Reusable Diapers. (Prefold Cloth Diapers)

Prefold Cloth Diapers

Products, Programs and idealisms today are usually centered upon being nature or eco friendly. Same thing goes for diapers. Reusable diapers keep your baby or babies comfortable and dry while keeping the environment healthy. To do what’s right for the environment is not always a usual thing to do so being able to help in some way is still essential in the long term aspect. Also with cloth diapers, you save a lot of time, effort and money.

Cloth has been having a bad reputation because of the emergence of bad quality cloth diapers in the market. Still, there are those high quality diapers, which are not expensive at all, making all the difference in the world and for the world as well. How affordable cloth diapers can get compared with disposable diapers, you ask? You can get one dozen quality Chinese or Indian prefold cloth diapers with just about the same price as a pack of disposables. In terms of convenience, there are fitted diapers, pockets and all in ones available in your favorite supermarket. These factors makes cloth diapering fun, easy, convenient and earth friendly as well.

Some mothers find it surprising that reusable diapers are not that difficult to use as they expected. There is no need for dunking nowadays. For breastfed babies, just easily toss the cloth diaper inside the pail and the poop all comes down in the wash, this is honest to goodness fact. As for the older babies, you can use flush away liners or sprayers attached to toilets to rinse the mess.

Did you know that the total environmental cost of disposable diapers amount to 18 billion pieces per year? Anything washable reduces the carbon in our garbage and our garbage as a whole. You also reduce the amount of petroleum used for the transportation of garbage to landfills.

Now let us talk about cost effectiveness. In using disposable diapers, you spend about $2,000 or more, that is excluding the extra cost of disposable wipes, extra municipal fees for having too many garbage, or the extra stuff you buy when on the supermarket (just being thorough here). Here comes the second baby and your diaper bills just doubled right before your eyes. Now, compare that to using reusable diapers. A good diapering system will only cost you roughly $300-$500. You can add to that costs of buying a sprayer, washable pail, wet bags, cloth wipes and liners and you will still amount to saving $1,500-$2,000.

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Prefold Cloth Diapers
