Chlorine Free Diapers. (Prefold Cloth Diapers)

Prefold Cloth Diapers.

Jimmy Truveo

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Chlorine free diapers are less harmful to the environment, as well as being kinder to sensitive newborn skin. Bleaching paper products allows chlorine derivatives to leach into the ground and water. The dioxins produced have been linked to cancer, not only in wildlife but in humans as well. Chlorine free diapers mean that you're swaddling your newborn in a product that isn't harmful to the child's health either now or in the future.

Chlorine is a harsh chemical. Used as a disinfectant to kill bacteria, the toxic product can be found in many paper products, including diapers for infants and toddlers. In addition, chlorine provides that ultra-white color for most paper products, as unbleached paper tends to be brownish. Many parents are looking for alternatives to harsh chemicals and want to provide gentler options to their baby for the best care possible. Chlorine-free diapers answer that demand.

When chlorine and chlorine derivatives are used in industrial processes (such as bleaching paper and wood pulp), they produce substances called chlorinated hydrocarbons, which persist in the environment, accumulate in animals and people, and can be toxic to human and environmental health. The production of chlorine can also release the toxic metal mercury into the environment.

Your choice of chlorine free diapers helps reduce the amount of dioxin polluting our air, water and soil, and helps make the world a safer, healthier place for your family and generations to come.

If every household in the U.S. replaced just one 40-count package of conventional diapers with these chlorine-free diapers, we could avoid 133,000 pounds of pollution from entering the environment.

Any disposable diaper uses a lot more resources when the raw materials are shipped to the factory, then the finished diapers are shipped to a warehouse, and finally to a store where they are then driven to a home. That is a lot of travel for a heavy box of diapers.

Let's not forget that for each of the 95 percent of parents who still use disposable diapers, 6,000 or more disposable diapers are going to end up in a landfill for hundreds of years. The numbers are staggering- 18 billion disposable diapers used in the US each year. Assuming that amounts to about 3,000 diapers per child each year, that is about 6 million kids in diapers. Compare 24 cloth diapers versus 6,000 disposables and you can easily see which diaper is the easiest on the planet.

Disposable anything is not good for the planet. We wash our clothing, our dishes, and even our reusable water bottles to help cut down on resource use and the huge landfill problem we are creating for future generations. Washing cloth diapers uses about the same amount of water as an adult flushing the toilet 5 times a day, yet no one suggests we all move to using paper underwear to save water.

Studies that make resource use for disposable diapers look equal to cloth diapers are often based on washing methods no one actually uses. They also make line-drying diapers seem like a Herculean task when lots of moms and dads do it easily. Air-drying diapers can be done on a simple clothing rack if you want to do even more to lower your carbon footprint. These studies also consistently ignore the disposal problem, acting as if the answer is in simply producing and using the diapers. Someone has to use petroleum to haul those diapers to a landfill, and then they sit for hundreds of years.

When making your choice of products you use to care for your child, choose chlorine-free materials that offer the best for your baby. In a world where increasingly children are being diagnosed with cancers and other serious illnesses, you are minimizing the risk of the effects of chemical exposures.

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